quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2010

Projeto de edifício de escritório une forma e eficiência


Em recente concurso de projetos para a sede do Conselho de Administração de Santa Catarina, em Florianópolis, sagrou-se vencedor um projeto que se destaca por suas estratégias voltadas para a eficiência energética.

Reproduzo a seguir, em versão original em inglês, texto publicado no site Inhabitat.com, a respeito do projeto e aproveito para parabenizar os seus autores, da AUM Arquitetos. É um belo projeto e um bom exemplo.

Brilliant Brazilian Office Tower Marries Form with Efficiency

by Andrew Michler, 12/29/10

This beautiful mid-rise in Brazil will soon be the home of the Council of Administration of Santa Catarina. AUM arquiteto’s winning design not only achieves visual richness in a simple form, but it also features an outstanding energy-efficient plan that synthesizes the look and the function of the building. The design begins with location — a choice lot overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The office tower uses the sea breezes to cool off and a host of other techniques to avoid running the AC — all while providing multiple connections to the outdoors and to the greater community.

The design strategy focuses on using passive means to cool the building. The screened façade on the sides blocks the rising and setting sun, while a patch of green roof and overhangs helps mitigate midday sun exposure. Patios and overhangs at the front of the building scoop up the sea breezes though operable windows.

Modules set within the side of the façade indent on each floor to allow office occupants to enjoy a small patio and green space complete with trees. The front and back also have outdoor space providing views of the sea and forested hillside respectively. The building is topped off with a solar electric array to help offset power consumption.

The entire building rests on just four pillars, with a large indoor theater for event hosting and three levels of tuck-under parking to make the best use of space. The overall design is efficient in terms of energy and space while being open to the surroundings to take advantage of the choice location and climate.

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